Our cross-culturally running survey!
This survey is addressed to people from different cultural backgrounds who may work/interact/co-operate, live together, have any kind of feelings for the ‘other’ but to those who are simply interested in other cultures too!
Please answer the Questionnaire honestly! The first thought that comes to your mind is the BEST answer!
Just express your genuine, true Self! KEEP IN MIND: There are No Correct or Incorrect answers!
Start the Questionnaire
Up to today (25/06/2019), have already participated 1155 individuals from the Netherlands, U.K., U.S.A., Canada, India, Germany, Brazil, Sweden, Austria, Greece, Italy, Spain, Russia, Ireland, Bangladesh, Turkey, Bulgaria, Indonesia, France, Singapore, Philippines, Poland, Mexico, Finland, Russia, Romania, South Africa, Slovenia, Latvia, Hungary, Belgium, Moldova, Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan, who, mostly, live in another country. We appreciate diversity and invite people of any colour or cultural background to freely contribute and share within their social media network!
Off course, we will share the comparative findings with our participants! (If you like to get a personal note, please give your mail at the end of the survey). Also, we will discuss some findings in the context of our contribution to the 2019 SIETAR Europe Congress.
(Questionnaire designed by Dr. Katerina Pouliasi, media support: Mrs Iliana Docheva, Distribution in India : Mrs Sunaina Vij from the bridge.org.in Also many thanks to Mrs Piya Patra for the initial participations from India!!