Cross-border management: Any evidence of cultural adaptation in short-term interactions?

Cross-border management: Any evidence of cultural adaptation in short-term interactions? By Dr. Katerina Pouliasi Presentation for the Academic track at the RESEARCH CONFERENCE IACCM-IÉSEG 2019 Congress Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2019 – Paris, France Introduction In our interdependent economies even large companies will form cross-border alliances to survive international competition.  Yet, consideration of how cultures clash […]

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Cross-Cultural Remote Management: any cultural bias?

Cross-Cultural Management: Cultural bias after 3 years of daily remote communication? By Dr. Katerina Pouliasi (in2cultures) and Dr Michael Bender (Assistant Professor, Tilburg University) the Netherlands Presentation for the Academic track of the 2019 SIETAR Europe Congress Abstract In highly globalized markets, international alliances enhance competitiveness – but considerations of challenges due to cultural differences […]

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‘Bicultural minds’ at NIP symposium

Title of presentation: Bicultural minds: How do they manage culturally conflicted situations and subjective well-being? at NIP upcoming symposium: When culture matters: The contribution of cross-cultural studies to the development of psychology as a science. Utrecht, the Netherlands / 2 November, 2017 Abstract When you live actively with more than one culture you may, partly unconsciously, […]

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Basic cultural differences at the workplace

An  interactive presentation by dr. Katerina Pouliasi Culture matters to the extent individuals in different cultures have differing experiences and communicate in different ways. One of the places where this plays a major role is the workplace!

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Networks or Friendships in the Netherlands?

An informal interactive presentation by Dr. Katerina Pouliasi This presentation is designed for participants from different cultures, to promote intercultural communication. The recognition of own culture ‘within’ you, is the first step towards developing the ability to communicate yourself effectively with people with different cultural mindsets

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Taste, Memory & Culture event

Join us for a unique evening experience   …from food for thought…                              …to food for the mouth and the heart.. Katerina Pouliasi will guide you in a visual and narrative voyage through our taste sensitivities, our childhood memories and their ‘hidden’ […]

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Towards a monocultural or a multicultural mind?

Two seminars for International & Dutch Master students by Dr. Katerina Pouliasi People tend to feel more comfortable with people that are similar to them.  Life in multicultural environment, however, gives you an unique opportunity to gain insight into different cultures and orient yourself towards aquiring a ‘multicultural mind’. These two seminars will help you […]

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