Basic cultural differences at the workplace

An  interactive presentation by dr. Katerina Pouliasi

Culture matters to the extent individuals in different cultures have differing experiences and communicate in different ways. One of the places where this plays a major role is the workplace!

We will look into questions such as:

  • Do individuals from different cultures communicate their wishes and goals in similar ways?
  • What lies behind motivation for performance across-cultures?
  • Is feeling personal accomplishment from doing challenging work a primary goal universally?
  • Are certain work-related values more important in one culture compared to another?

For whom?

For individuals who want to develop intercultural communication skills : reason and be able to handle unfamiliar or ‘foreign‘ behavior of ‘others‘ with different cultural background at their working context.

The presentation aims at discussions among participants with large diversity in cultural backgrounds to support interactive experiential learning


The lecture involves stories of real-life situations, as well as findings of cross-cultural comparative research conducted by dr Katerina Pouliasi at the University of Utrecht ( published in peer reviewed journals).

Date, Programme and Contribution

This presentation takes place in regular intervals.

Details are announced in advance of each session

To participate registration is required

It usually takes place in Bussum, just outside Amsterdam:

 Herenstraat 95A, 1406 PB, Bussum (gallery of Jorgos Chronis).

Participants have often the opportunity to enjoy a Mediterenean dish and initiate new social networksGallery Chronis

Route:Trains from Amsterdam and Utrecht to Naarden-Bussum station run every 15min.
On the right you can view the entrance of the charming building – the art gallery of Jorgos Chronis – in Bussum, where we will meet. Walking from the station Naarden-Bussum will take you about 10-15 minutes.